Why I love Harry Potter

5:39 PM / Posted by Megan /

Its simple really.... magic! Actually I find myself at a loss for words when it comes to why I love Harry Potter so much. I mean I'm reread the whole series over again in anticipation for the final book, watch every single thing you can on you tube when it comes to the movies and you could ask me any question about Harry Potter and there is a 99% chance I will know the answer. On July 21st when the book comes out I will be in the middle of no-where dying of anticipation and for the two days that follow i except to being reading the book at all moments i will only stop to eat, take quick power naps, and go to the bathroom. This my friends is a sad but very true statement. I love Harry Potter enough to sacrifice many good nights of sleep and any social life that might exist. Why?... that is the question on all of your minds. I am going to be completely honest, I have no clue. I am one of the countless millions who have fallen for a young wizard trying to destroy the an evil wizard before he destroys him or worse his friends. When reading Harry Potter I find myseld so caught up in the characters lives and feeling as if it is so real that I can't put the book down or I spend hours thinking of whats to come in the next books. Some say this is a waste of time I could spend doing other things but what is better then reading, and still reading something I enjoy and love very much. To me Harry is a real person( even though I know he is not real) he is real to me in spirit and in the sense that he has opened the world of books to me. Before Harry I wasn't all that good at reading and I didn't really like to read, but the book made me love to sit down and enjoy a book. I loving getting lost in world that I will never see or a world that doesn't even exist. But for those few moments I am reading Harry Potter I can escape and go into a world that is full of joy and magic, with good verse evil and even more so people who despite what is thrown at them remain good-hearted and have no intention of turning bad. With that said I leave you with a few theroies I have worked out. WARING SPOILERS IF YOU PLAN TO READ HARRY POTTER THEN DO NOT READ THIS!

-Snape is good. For reasons we can not explain he HAD to kill Dumbledore. Dumbledore trusted him so I trust him.

-Harry is not a Horocrux, Voldemort tried to make his 7th and final horcrux after he killed Harry which didn't happen instead when he killed the Muggle in the 4th book he created his 7th and final horcrux

-Dumbledore is dead even though it pains me to say it

-Harry will not be returning to Hogwarts for his 7th year, in fact I don't think that Hogwarts will even open again

-One of the remaining horcruxes is in Harry's house 12 Grimwald place

-R.A.B is Sirus's brother Regleus who turned death eater but then tried to redeem himself without Sirus ever knowing

-Harry and Ginny will not get back together

Some big questions I have...

  • What was the "gleam of triumph" in Dumbledore's eyes at the end of Goblet of Fire?

  • What truly determines whether or not someone becomes a ghost? Is there more to it than what Nearly Headless Nick said there was?

  • Where did the Potter family's wealth come from?

  • How did Hagrid retrieve Harry from the ruins of his parents' house if he was not told the location by the secret-keeper?

  • Do we know the full reason that Voldemort decided to try to kill Harry instead of Neville?

  • When Snape is about to kill Dumbledore, Dumbledore says, "Severus... Please..." Was Dumbledore asking Snape to kill him or was he asking for mercy?

With any luck these questions will be aswered in the final book due in 53 days. YEAH!!!! For anyone who would like to read the books I suggest you get a move on I already have to read 53 pages a day to complete all the books before the 7th book, but hey I got time, its summer!!


Comment by Matthew on 7:44 PM

Wow. You're a Harry Potter freak. I thought you were before, but this proves it.

I'm more of a LOTR fan myself -- before the movies came out I had read the books many times, so I can appreciate your feelings, Meg.

Unfortunately, I've read only two of the books so when you give out the spoilers I have no idea what you are talking about!

Comment by Kristen on 9:35 PM

I don't really know anything about Harry Potter, but I do know that you do:) I am not a Harry Potter fan, but I now see how it has turned kids into readers and I like that. I am glad it has had such a positive effect on you. And I now understand what you meant by 61 days until the best day ever.

Comment by Goose on 10:34 PM

Harry Potter rocks my world. Long live Harry!!!!!!!!

Comment by Jeff on 3:22 PM

Impressive dedication to a good cause. I hope Harry doesn't die.

Comment by Dad on 11:45 PM

Meggie, while I admire your enthusisam and passion for Harry, I have to tell you it is beyond me how you get anything out of it. It is the most convaluted, confusing story line ever, and try as I might....I just don't get it. I'm glad you love it so much and have read the books...for that alone it is worth it, but giv eme a Spidey Man or something that makes a little sense. Then I'm with you.


Comment by Danalin on 11:27 AM

You make me want to be a Harry Potter fan. Maybe I'll have to pick up book #1 and go from there.

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